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Section 2: Module Assessment

2.1 About this Section

In this section, you will find information on:

  • How modules are assessed;
  • The forms of assessment used by the University; and
  • Assessment registration and timetables.

2.2 Approval of Assessment Methods

Modules are assessed using methods appropriate for the level of study, the subject material, the method of delivery and the learning outcomes. There is a formal process through which the form of assessment for each module is agreed and approved in advance.

You can check the approved forms of assessment for each module in the module catalogue.

Schools must adhere to forms of assessment published in the catalogue unless the Faculty Taught Student Education Committee grants them express permission to make changes to accommodate exceptional circumstances. If changes have to be made after the catalogue has been published, you will be informed of this, and the reasons for doing so, in writing.

If you need to resit a module, the forms of assessment will usually be the same as for the first attempt. If the resit assessment is different from the original assessment, this will be described in the catalogue.

2.3 Preparation of Assessment

The assessments set each year are agreed through a process of approval. For assessments that are scheduled by the University’s Assessment and Progress Team there is a University process for approving assessments.

In order to ensure standards are maintained, all draft assessment papers, model answers and assessment criteria are made available to the external examiner(s) for scrutiny.

Module Leaders will have the responsibility for setting the specific examination paper(s) or other forms of module assessment, including resit assessments, as outlined in the module catalogue. The draft examination papers, coursework briefs, or other assessment outlines (including outline answers or relevant marking scheme) will then be subject to a process of internal scrutiny.

For Examinations, Leeds University Business School operate Departmental Examination Scrutiny Panels (DESPs). These are internal meetings which take place in October (for Semester 1 assessments) and March (for semester 2 assessments) The DESP meeting is chaired by the Departmental Director of Student Education (DDSE), or their nominee, and attended by departmental academic colleagues. Examination papers are presented to the DESP after they have been internally moderated. Academic colleagues are required to present both the first sit and the resit paper for the DESP approval.

DESPs consider the following:

  • The appropriateness of level and the general suitability of the exam paper;
  • Any potential overlap and duplication within the paper or duplication between the paper and the resit paper;
  • The phrasing of questions to ensure that they are clear and understandable, and the overall clarity and accuracy of presentation of the assessment;
  • To ensure that there is no information missing which may prevent the student from giving a full answer;
  • Any acronyms or abbreviations that are used in the exam paper are fully explained where necessary;
  • The quality, clarity and detail of the model answers for each question (MCQ papers have solutions which are correct for every question);
  • The time allowance is proportionate to task set and matches the module leader’s expectations;
  • The instructions to students and the rubric is clear, concise and unambiguous.

The module leader is responsible for ensuring that draft examination papers (including resit papers), model answers and marking guidelines are prepared in good time and in accordance with the requirements set out above. This should include providing an assurance that any examination paper does not contain a significant proportion (above 20%) of questions or other material that have been used in the same form over the previous four years.

Once assessments are internally approved, they are then sent to an External Examiner for comment and approval, along with outline answers and/or marking scheme. The External Examiner will also have access to the module information on Minerva.

2.4 Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is intended to monitor and enhance your learning and does not contribute to your overall module mark.

Your school will provide you with opportunities for formative assessment and will provide you with feedback that allows you to reflect on and improve your performance.

2.5 Summative Assessment

Summative assessment is intended to consolidate and evaluate your learning and contributes to the final module mark. There are a number of different categories of summative assessment in use within the School.

2.5a University Examinations

A University Examination is a formal examination which is timetabled and invigilated by the Assessment and Progress Team. These are held during one of the University’s formal assessment periods at the end of each semester, with an additional resit in August as appropriate.

The times, dates and locations are published online by the Assessment and Progress Team. You can also access a personal exam timetable via Minerva.

Occasionally, the School may organise formal examinations outside of the University’s formal assessment periods. These are called Ad Hoc Examinations. This will only be done where there is a reason the examination cannot be held during the formal assessment period. They are run in the same way as other University Examinations.

Details are available on the Students Key Dates and Locations website page.

2.5b Online Time Limited Assessment

An Online Time Limited Assessment with a duration of 48 hours or less is a formal University assessment which is timetabled by the Assessment and Progress Team. These are held during one of the University’s formal assessment periods at the end of each semester with an additional resit in August as appropriate.

The times, dates and locations are published online by the Assessment and Progress Team. You can also access this through your personal exam timetable via Minerva. Details are available on the Students Key Dates and Locations website page.

More support with Online Time Limited Assessments can be found on the Library Skills website page.

2.5c Assessed Coursework

Assessed Coursework is a piece of work or activity completed outside of formal timetabled sessions. This may include essays, projects, reports and online assessment.

For more details on the presentation of assessed coursework, deadlines, penalties for late submission and information on plagiarism, see Section 3 Coursework.

2.5d Presentations

Presentations are an important part of the learning process and sometimes these will be assessed. Assessed presentations can take the form of either an individual or group presentation to an audience which may include peers.

2.5e Apprenticeships: End Point

In addition to module assessment and programme classification, all apprenticeship programmes are subject to a formal End Point Assessment (EPA) which confirms whether and at what grade you have met the requirements of the Apprenticeship Standard.

The EPA is carried out by either an independent organisation from the Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register (APAR) approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency or in the case of an integrated EPA, through the University who will also be registered on the APAR.

The details of the EPA are set out in the Apprenticeship Assessment Plan developed for each Apprenticeship Standard.

Your employer, in consultation with the University, will decide when you are ready to sit the EPA. The EPA will be organised by the University. The end point assessment will provide the outcome of the assessment and the apprenticeship certificate. Your School will inform you of the nature of the EPA.

2.5f Other Forms of Assessment

The University aims to continually develop and improve the way in which students are assessed. With this aim, other forms of assessment may be introduced from time to time. Where these contribute to the final module mark, they will be listed in the module catalogue and full information will be provided.

2.6 Registration for Assessments

You will automatically be registered for the first opportunity for each assessment. All assessments must be taken on the first occasion that they are offered in the year in which the module is studied unless the School gives you specific permission to delay. Marks for assessments which are not taken will be recorded as absent.

If you have been permitted to resit a module as a further first attempt, you must confirm with your school if you wish to take it. Contact your parent school for further information.

For resits as a second attempt you will need to apply online before you are registered for the relevant resit assessments.

For UG students, all resits must be taken at the next available opportunity. Non-registration for a resit will normally mean that attempt is forfeited. Marks for examinations which are not taken will be recorded as absent.

Taught Postgraduate Students

Taught Postgraduate students in Leeds University Business School do not apply for resits online, but must contact the Central Examinations Team directly to make arrangements. The Business School will contact students with further information about this procedure at the appropriate time.

2.6a Consecutive or Clashing Assessment

It is common to have assessment deadlines on the same or consecutive days and this is not grounds for applying for mitigating circumstances. If you have concerns about your assessment deadlines, please contact your School Student Curriculum and Operations (SCO) Team at

Online Time Limited Assessments, with a duration of 48 hours or less, that are scheduled to take place within the set University formal assessment periods, will often run consecutively or may overlap.

However, if you have two of these assessments starting at the same time on the same day, you should immediately contact the Assessment and Progress Team by email so that alternative arrangements can be made where possible.

2.7 Archiving of Assessment

Assessed work is archived for at least one year after each student has left the programme. During this time period, assessed work may be made available for scrutiny during student education reviews or for scrutiny by regulatory bodies on request.