Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
What is Collaborate Ultra?
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a platform for live online classes, it is integrated into module areas and uses the same software as Minerva itself. Your Module Leader may choose to use Collaborate Ultra to run some classes that take place online. The following video will give you a good introduction to the Collaborate interface - showing you how to do things like post chat messages, give feedback and share files.
Can I practice using Collaborate Ultra before my first class?
It is highly recommended that you do so by following the steps below:
Step 1: Read all about how to be a participant in a Collaborate class.
Step 2: Test what you've learned in the LUBS Student test room where you can try sharing your webcam, audio and files. Select this link to join the class - please do not upload sensitive information to this shared space, and please abide by the University of Leeds Policy on Dignity and Mutual Respect.
What features does Collaborate Ultra have?
Collaborate allows the presenter to share and annotate files, and has an easy polling function built-in. A collaborative whiteboard allows groups to work together and breakout rooms can be easily setup. Participants can communicate with each other and the presenter via webcam, audio or chat, and provide feedback through various status icons.
Is there an app?
We recommend using your web browser to join Collaborate classes.
Which browser should I use?
We recommend using Chrome to access the test room (students in China are recommended to use Firefox).
How will I join my online class?
Your Module Leader will post a secure link to join any online classes to the module area in Minerva. If you aren't sure where the link has been saved we recommend asking your Module Leader at least two days before the online class.
The pages in the Digital Learning section of this website been devised by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement and are available under creative commons for you to adapt.
Digital Learning by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.