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Other useful applications

This page contains links to technologies that are used widely in Higher Education, but that are not supported by or supplied by the University of Leeds. These links are provided to you only to provide insights into applications that may be useful - please note that some applications may require purchases or subscriptions to access them.


Kortext is an e-Book supplier and platform, and is used primarily at LUBS for Taught Postgraduate students to access the E-Book supplied to them as part of their programme. Visit the Kortext website.

Box of Broadcasts

BoB is a TV and radio recording service for UK higher education institutions, enabling staff and students access 60+ channels. Visit the bob website.


The pages in the Digital Learning section of this website been devised by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement and are available under creative commons for you to adapt.

Digital Learning by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.