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Virtual Backgrounds

Virtual Backgrounds

Microsoft Teams and Zoom both allow you to upload and share your own virtual background to display when attending a class or meeting.

Using a virtual background enables you to retain some privacy when sharing your webcam by hiding the background of the room you're actually in. It can also make a meeting fun - by making yourself appear to be at a famous landmark or somewhere familiar to you and your class mates.

This page contains a growing list of links to sources of virtual backgrounds, we recommend right-clicking the links and opening them in a new tab.

University of Leeds

Put yourself in the heart of campus virtually using these official University of Leeds backgrounds. Select the link to download a ZIP file of images.

Leeds University Union

Feel at home and take your coffee in the lovely surroundings of Common Ground or, if it's later on of course, in the Old Bar!

BBC Backgrounds

Appear on the set of Strictly Come Dancing and a range of the British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) most famous shows!

Leeds Theatre backgrounds

Put yourself on the virtual stage of one of Leeds' wonderful theatre spaces.


The pages in the Digital Learning section of this website been devised by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement and are available under creative commons for you to adapt.

Digital Learning by LUBS Digital Education Enhancement is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.