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LUBS Mitigating Circumstances: Extensions and Additional Consideration

We understand that sometimes life does not go according to plan, no matter how hard you try or prepare. If something has gone wrong and impacted your ability to complete assessments, don't worry - there are options available to you. We have created this page to guide our Leeds University Business School students on the help available and how to request it.

You can read the full information about mitigating circumstances and the 2023-24 guidance on the University website: University mitigating circumstances page

You can apply for mitigating circumstances via an online form, simply click the button below:

Frequently Asked Questions

As well as the University guidance mentioned above, we have put together a list of the most common questions that our LUBS students ask about the process. The FAQ is split into sections that cover Extensions and Additional Consideration.

Please read the FAQ carefully first, but if you need extra help or are unsure about anything and you are a Leeds University Business School Student, you can contact the LUBS Student Support Team at:


If you experience circumstances that will have a short-term impact on your ability to complete coursework assessments (for example a minor illness), you can make an application for an extension to a coursework deadline.

Please note: not all circumstances are grounds for mitigating circumstances. You can find out more on the circumstances normally accepted in section 2.1 of the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance on the university website.

How/when can I apply for an extension to a coursework submission deadline?

To apply for an extension to a coursework deadline, you must apply before the coursework submission original deadline via the online application form.

Email requests for extensions will not be considered.

We are unable to review extension requests submitted after the assessment deadline: all extension requests must be submitted before 12 noon (UK time) of the day of the deadline.

If you have missed the deadline to apply, you have the option to make an application for Additional Consideration to request either:

  1. The removal of penalties for late submission (if incurred) or
  2. A further attempt at the assessment at the next available opportunity.


You can read the FAQs on Additional Consideration further down this page.

What is the maximum number of days extension I can apply for?

If you are applying for a coursework extension on personal medical grounds, you will be able to self-certify for a period of up to 7 calendar days.

The maximum period we can grant extensions for coursework deadlines is 14 calendar days.

For any application of up to 14 days and/or for non-personal medical grounds, supporting evidence will be required.

You can read about supporting evidence here.

Do I need to provide evidence of my circumstances?

If you are applying for an extension to a coursework deadline on personal medical grounds (which includes mental health), you will be able to self-certify for a period of up to 7 calendar days without the need to provide evidence.

All other applications will require supporting evidence. We may need additional evidence to help to clarify a set of circumstances, if this is the case, we would contact you via email.

If your circumstances relate to a Disability and you are registered with Disability Services at the University, your Summary Support Sheet can be used as a type of supporting evidence for an extension request. Please also mention on the application that you are registered with this service when describing your circumstances and the impact on your ability to complete assessment.

Which type of assessment can I get an extension for?

You can apply for an extension to assessed coursework.

It is not possible to request an extension for:

  • An examination - If you have mitigating circumstances which affect your ability to undertake an examination, then the option open to you is to apply for 'Additional Consideration'. For further information please see the Additional Consideration FAQs below on this page.
  • Non-assessed draft – you will need to contact the module leader directly to discuss an alternative date.
  • Live presentations - you will need to contact the module leader directly to discuss an alternative date.

Can I get an extension on assessed group work?

If the group work element is an essay/poster/video presentation, then an extension request can be reviewed. Extensions cannot be granted to exams or live presentations.

If you are applying for a coursework extension on personal medical grounds, you will be able to self-certify for a period of up to 7 calendar days. For any other circumstances/for a 14 day extension request, you must provide sufficient supporting evidence at the time of application, as provisional extensions cannot be granted for group work assignments.

Only one group extension can be granted per assessment.

How will I know if I have been granted an extension?

You will receive an email within 3 working days (this does not include weekends or University closure dates).

The email will advise whether your extension request has been accepted or rejected. If accepted, it will advise you of your new submission deadline.

Please note: the original deadline will remain on Minerva as that is the module area which is not tailored to individual student accounts.

Where do I submit my work if I have been granted an extension?

You will submit to the standard submission area on Minerva.

What happens if my request for an extension is rejected or I can’t submit by the assessment deadline?

If the work is not submitted by the deadline, late penalties will be applied for each day the work is late and after fourteen (14) days of non-submission a mark of absent (AB) is returned.

You can find more information on late penalties on the 'Submitting Assignments' page on the Taught Student Guide.

Additional Consideration

Additional Consideration is a request to the Business School for your circumstances to be taken into account at the next Special Cases Committee meeting.

It is different from an Extension request because Additional Consideration is usually applied for after the assessment has taken place. Please see the University Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for further information.

Do I have a valid reason to request Additional Consideration?

Like extensions, Additional Consideration is for unexpected circumstances that are out of your control, such as a bereavement or a sudden illness that has impacted your studies or ability to take an assessment.

Please note that not all circumstances are grounds for mitigating circumstances and you can find out more on the circumstances normally accepted in section 2.1 of the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance.

What can I apply for through 'Additional Consideration'?

You can apply for any of the following:

  • First Attempts – this is an uncapped further attempt to be taken in the next assessment period.
  • Removal of Penalties – to remove any late penalties that have been accrued on an assignment.
  • Exemption – this can only be requested on certain elements that are 30% or under, if granted the element would not be considered in the final total of the module.
  • Consideration - this is a request that your circumstances be taken into account at the Classification Board at the end of your University career.
  • Repeat of Year – if your circumstances have meant that you have missed the majority of your teaching and assessments the School may be able to consider allowing you to repeat the year.

Please note that the School Special Cases Committee will award you what is appropriate and acceptable for both you and the School.

Can I apply for Additional Consideration for an exam?

Yes. If you have either missed an exam, have suffered some disruption in an exam or feel that your circumstances have negatively affected your preparation and performance, you can apply for Additional Consideration.

What evidence do I need to provide?

Evidence must be in documentary form from a professional third party (i.e. doctor/therapist/government body/employer).

The evidence should cover the assessment period in question and should be signed and dated. All evidence must be in readable English, or if not, translated by a certified translation company. We cannot accept evidence in another language, prescriptions for medication, or photographs of physical maladies/injuries.

Please see the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for further information about evidence.

How do I apply for Additional Consideration?

You can apply online via the online application form.

If you run into any difficulties, please contact your Parent School for advice.

If I have a further question about Additional Consideration, who should I ask? My Parent School or Teaching School of the module??

Your Additional Consideration application will go to your Parent School. If you have any further questions, please contact your Parent School for any advice and for further information on application deadline dates.

If you are a LUBS student, you should contact

When do I need to have applied by?

LUBS Student Support will communicate upcoming Additional Consideration deadlines to students via Minerva. The deadlines to submit Additional Consideration applications during the 2024/25 academic year are as follows:

Deadline to Apply for Additional Consideration When was the assessment deadline? Expected Outcome Date for an Application
30/01/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 3rd October 2024 and 31st January 2025 14/03/2025
14/04/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 1st February and 16th April 2025 22/05/2025
09/06/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 17th April 2025 and 6th June 03/07/2025
26/08/2025 This is the deadline for Undergraduate students for assessments which fall during the August reassessment period 29/09/2025
01/10/2025 This deadline is for Postgraduate students for assessments which had a deadline between 7th June and 30th September 2025, including assessments which fall during the August reassessment period 20/11/2025

If you do not apply by the deadline you will need to submit an academic appeal.

If you wish to appeal to the University, we recommend you speak with a member of the LUU’S Help and Support Team for independent support and advice. You can visit their team in the Union building during their opening hours, give them a call on 0113 3801 400 or email them at

If you decide to formally appeal, you will need to follow the University’s appeals process and submit your appeal within 20 working days of receiving your final results. You should seek independent advice regarding your case from LUU’s Student Advice Centre.

More information about the University’s appeals process can also be found here.


Who makes a decision on my application?

Your application will be first looked at by a Student Support Officer (SSO). The SSO will check that the information you have submitted in your application is correct for your programme of study and that the reason and evidence you have supplied is valid.

The SSO will then present your request to the School Special Cases Committee.

Each School has a Special Cases Committee that meets a number of times throughout the year to look at mitigation circumstances requests. This Committee is chaired by a representative of the Head of School and is attended by a quorum of academics.

I have applied so when can I expect to hear back?

Deadline to Apply for Additional Consideration When was the assessment deadline? Expected Outcome Date for an Application
30/01/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 3rd October 2024 and 31st January 2025 14/03/2025
14/04/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 1st February and 16th April 2025 22/05/2025
09/06/2025 This deadline is for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 17th April 2025 and 6th June 03/07/2025
26/08/2025 This is the deadline for Undergraduate students for assessments which fall during the August reassessment period 29/09/2025
01/10/2025 This deadline is for Postgraduate students for assessments which had a deadline between 7th June and 30th September 2025, including assessments which fall during the August reassessment period 20/11/2025

What happens next?

The LUBS Student Support Team will provide you with an outcome letter via your student email address, explaining the outcome of your application and any action you are required to take. It is important that you read all of the information outlined in this email.

If you have been granted any First Attempts, you will be provided with a link to a form to complete to accept your first Attempt(s). The deadline to complete this form and accept any First Attempt(s) will be communicated within the outcome letter.

What happens if I am not happy with the outcome of my application?

If you have any questions about your outcome, please contact your Student Support team in the first instance at:

If you are still unhappy with the School Special Cases Committee outcome after speaking with the Student Support team, you have the option of appealing the decision through the University Appeals Procedure.

If your question is not answered above and you are a LUBS student please contact: