Online exams
Online exams at the Business School
This page contains information that will help you to prepare for and complete online exams on Business School modules. It provides general information, and links to support resources that will enable you to learn about the system being used.
My Online Exam section on Minerva
The My Online Exam section of your module in Minerva will contain the following:
- Declaration of Academic Integrity
- You must first read this declaration, before using the Mark Reviewed button when finished to confirm that you have read and understood it. Doing so will automatically refresh the page and reveal the below items.
- Exam Information
- This block contains essential information, including the start date and time of your exam and when the deadline is. It will also tell you the exam format, and which system will be used.
- Accessing Support
- These blocks contain important information that you must use if you encounter a problem during the exam. Following the simple instructions will ensure that your enquiry reaches the right people as quickly as possible.
Start your exam
A link to start your exam will appear in the My Online Exam section of the module at the exam start time listed in the Exam Information block explained above. You may need to refresh your page to see the link.
Your exam could use one of a range of assessment systems - you will find out which system before the exam by looking at the Exam Information block explained above. You can use that information to access the appropriate guide found in the Digital Education Systems Student Guides, below.