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Academic integrity, referencing and plagiarism

Academic integrity

Students should also take some time to work through the Skills@Library resources on academic integrity and plagiarism. Your module leader should give further advice in the run up to assessments. If you need further guidance, you should speak to your academic personal tutor.

You should ensure that you understand the severity of plagiarism and how the University deals with cases. The For Students pages has further information. You may also want to read this helpful article which explains some of the terms used when talking about academic integrity.

Referencing and plagiarism

The University Library have a variety of resources to help with your academic integrity, including when and how to use referencinghow to avoid plagiarism and their academic integrity tutorial.

The Business School uses the Leeds Havard referencing style - in your assignments you should use this referencing style whenever you use someone else’s idea.

The Definition of plagiarism

The University defines plagiarism as:

presenting someone else's work, in whole or in part, as your own. Work means any intellectual output, and typically includes text, data, images, sound or performance. (University of Leeds, 2017)

This also includes lecture slides and written notes from your lecturer given for example as part of seminar support or an example answer. You should adopt the guidance on paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism.

Declaring the integrity of your work

All submitted work including submissions in open book exams is subject to a declaration signed by you. Please take the time to read the Declarations of Academic Integrity.

It is your responsibility to be aware of the University’s regulations on plagiarism and their importance.

Detecting plagiarism

The University uses an internet-based text-matching service called Turnitin to provide evidence of originality of electronic coursework submissions. The tool compares the text you submit with a wide range of electronic material and highlights if you have submitted the same or similar text.

You can find out more about how plagiarism is detected in the Coursework section of the Code of Practice on Assessment.


Remember: The University defines plagiarism as presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as your own