Business School Special Circumstances Committee
Outcome definitions
The decisions made by the School’s Special Circumstances Committee are defined as:
- Removal of late penalties
The School Special Circumstances Committee confirm that any penalties accrued for the late submission of the affected assessment will be removed by the teaching school.
- Exemption
The School Special Circumstances Committee grant an exemption from the affected assessed element. This means that the module mark will be calculated over the weighted average of the remaining summative assessed elements.
- Alternative Assessment
The School Special Circumstances Committee confirm that, if eligible, the student is permitted a re-assessment opportunity for the affected assessment for an uncapped mark. The format of the affected assessment will be appropriately adjusted to enable the student to complete the re-sit of the affected assessment. E.g. an affected group assignment will be adjusted to ensure that it can be completed by an individual student.
- First Attempt
The School Special Circumstances Committee confirm that, if eligible, the student is permitted a re-assessment opportunity for the affected assessment for an uncapped mark. Where possible the first attempt assessment will mirror the format of the affected assessment completed alongside teaching. Where this is not possible the student will receive guidance on the format of the first attempt assessment.
- Further Capped Resit
The School Special Circumstance Committee confirm that, if eligible, the student is permitted a further re-assessment opportunity for the affected module for a capped resit mark. A capped mark for level 1, 2 and 3 modules is 40 and for level 5M modules is 50.
- Reject
The School Special Circumstances Committee have not been able to accept the request for mitigation put forward by the student for the reason stated within the School Special Circumstances Committee outcome email. If a student wishes to contest an application which has been rejected by the School Special Circumstances Committee, they can submit a formal appeal to the University under the Taught Student Appeals Process.