Requesting a timetable change
Some students may find that a teaching activity on their timetable clashes with another aspect of their life, such as childcare or medical requirements. The timetabling team can consider reasonable requests for a change to be made - this page outlines the conditions and procedure for making such a request.
Timetable basics - before you request a change
All teaching sessions start at 5 minutes past the hour, and finish at 5 minutes to the hour - this allows for 10 minutes to move around campus between sessions.
If you have a module which finishes at 10:00 and another module starting at 10:00, you don't have a clash, so don't worry!
Please note that full-time students are expected to be available for teaching from 09:00 until 18:00, Monday to Friday.
Timetables are updated daily but it is a manual process - if a you enrol in a module, or make a change, it takes 24 hours for the process to be completed. Please do not contact the timetabling team unless 48 hours have lapsed, and your timetable still hasn’t been updated.
The Business School Timetabling Team only schedule LUBS modules - if a you wish to amend a non-LUBS module, you should contact the teaching department for that module.
Which timetabled activities can be changed?
Please note that lecture allocation cannot be changed.
It is possible to request a change for other teaching activities, such as:
- Seminars
- Tutorials
- Workshops
When can I request a change?
Changes can only be considered during the first three weeks of each new semester.
Business School Policy
Before submitting your request, please check that your circumstances meet the policy requirements outlined below.
Change requests received within the first three weeks of a semester will be considered, provided they fall within the list of acceptable situations for taught undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Please note that evidence will be required to support your request, and there is no guarantee that a request can be accepted.
Acceptable reasons for change
- Where there is a clash with another module
- Medical reasons
- Childcare or other caring reasons
- Part Time employment
- Students who play sport for a University first team (or elite sports)
Requests cannot be granted for the following reasons:
- Where timetabling are asked to change a lecture
- After the first three weeks, unless an exceptional circumstance, i.e. change in caring arrangements, medical circumstances
- Where there will be an imbalance in the seminar sizes, i.e. the additional number takes number of students over room capacity or maximum class size.
If you require any assistance or advice with the timetable change process, please email the LUBS Student Education Service, including your student ID number, at: