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Module Enrolment 2024-25

This page provides guidance to Online Module Enrolment (OLE) at the University, and the manual module enrolment process for LUBS students. There is a lot of complicated and important information here - the key message is to be prepared and don't leave OLE until the last minute to avoid disappointment! If you are unsure about anything please don't hesitate to ask for help - key contacts are provided below.

Please note
The information on this page is not a replacement for the guidance provided by the University on the Module Enrolment For Students Webpages.We strongly advise that all students read those pages for further guidance and information about module enrolment.

Key Dates

The module and programme catalogues for 2024-25 are made available on 1st May 2024.

All students should check these on or after 1st May for information on the modules available and your programme requirements.

When Online Module Enrolment opens

Online Module enrolment (OLE) will open at 10am on the following days:

  • Returning UG students moving into year 3 and above: Tuesday 14th May 2024
  • Returning UG students moving into year 2: Wednesday 15th May 2024
  • Discovery modules: Tuesday 23rd July 2024
  • New UG students: Monday 2nd September 2024
  • New PG students: Monday 2nd September 2024

When Online Module Enrolment closes

The closing date of OLE for all UG and PG* students is Friday 11th October 2024

*with the exception of students who are on one of the four PG marketing programmes detailed below.

Exceptions for PG marketing programmes

For the attention of students on any of the following marketing programmes:

  • MSc Marketing Management with Advertising
  • MA Corporate Comms, Marketing & Public Relations
  • MSc Consumer Analytics & Marketing Strategy
  • MSc International Marketing Management

Online module enrolment opens for these programmes on Monday 28 October, and closes on Friday 8th November 2024.

This deadline is set by the Marketing Department programme teams in order to accommodate the allocation of group learning sets.


Dates for Changing Modules after OLE Closes

The Online Module Enrolment system will close for new students at midnight on Friday 11th October 2024.

After that time you will no longer able to choose/change your module selection online.

Deadline dates and how to make changes

Semester 1

Midnight on Friday 11th October 2024 is the final deadline for changes to semester 1 modules, and modules which run over both semesters 1 and 2.

Semester 2

You will still have the opportunity to change semester 2 modules up until Friday 7th February 2025, but you MUST be enrolled on the required 120 credits (for undergraduates) or 180 credits (for postgraduates) for the year, by Friday 11th October 2024.

Exceptions for PG marketing programmes

The exception to this is students on the four PG marketing programmes, who have up until 8th November 2024 to make their selections.

Changes cannot be made after this date.

Making changes to semester 2 modules

In order to make changes for semester 2 modules, you will need to complete an Online Change of Module Form indicating which module(s) you wish to take and, where applicable, which modules you wish to be removed from.

For example: if you drop a 20 credit module you must replace it with either another 20 credit module, or two 10 credit modules.

The link to the Change of Module form and further details about the process can be found here:

Change of module page

Programme rules and requirements

There are rules to follow according to your programme of study.

Before completing module enrolment please ensure that you have reviewed your programme specification on the programme catalogue.

The programme catalogue for 2024-25 will go live on 1st May 2024.

The programme catalogue will explain to you how many credits of optional modules you need to enrol on and which ones you can choose. It will also tell you how many credits of discovery modules (for undergraduate students only) you are allowed to take.

You should read this information carefully and ensure that your module choices meet all of the rules as stated.

The School will do its best to ensure that you are meeting all of your requirements, but it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that you are enrolled on your modules correctly; the School will not be responsible if your enrolment is not as it should be.

Important Things to Consider when Selecting or Changing Modules

Undergraduate Students

You will automatically be enrolled on to your compulsory modules.

All students are required to study 120 credits per year.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are registered for the correct modules on your programme of study. Please consult your programme structure to ensure the following:

  • You are taking the required number of modules.
  • You have studied any module(s) specified as a pre-requisite.
  • If a module has a named co-requisite, then you must study both modules together.
  • You do not choose a module which is mutually exclusive with a module you are currently enrolled on (or have taken in a previous year / due to study in a future year of your programme) as there is considered to be too much overlap in content.
  • You do not choose a module that you have previously studied. You can check your programme structure on the programme catalogue. A link to the catalogue can be found in the Further Information section.
  • In order to progress in to your next year of study or be classified for your degree, you are required to pass 100 credits from your current level of study, including all pass for progression (PFP) modules and any other modules noted in the progression/award rules. Please check your programme structure for full details.
  • You must ensure that you do not have a clash in your timetable.
  • Please ensure you are not studying too many credits in a single semester. 80 credits in a single semester is permitted, but we would advise no more than 70 credits to ensure a manageable workload.
  • Discovery modules:
  • You are only allowed to choose discovery modules from your current level of study or one level below, with the exception of Skills Discovery modules
  • You are not allowed to choose modules from above your level of study
  • Modules are uniquely coded by a combination of 4 letters and 4 numbers. The letters denote the department offering the module, for example LUBS modules are offered by Leeds University Business School. The first digit of the four numbers denotes the level of study, for example LUBS1111 would signify a level 1 module, LUBS2222 would signify a level 2 module, etc.

PG Students

You will automatically be enrolled on to your compulsory modules.

All students are required to study 180 credits.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are registered for the correct modules on your programme of study. Please consult your programme structure to ensure the following:

  • You are taking the required number of modules.
  • You have studied any module(s) specified as a pre-requisite. If a module has a named co-requisite, then you must study both modules together. You can check your programme structure on the programme catalogue.
  • In order to be classified for your degree, you are required to pass a minimum of 150 credits from your current level of study, including all pass for award (PFP) modules and any other modules noted in the progression/award rules and achieve an overall average mark of 50 or above, calculated across the 180 credits of modules studied*. Please check your programme structure for full details.
    • Note: *MSc Organisational Psychology and Business has differing rules for award – check programme structure.
  • You must ensure that do not have a clash in your timetable.
  • Please bear in mind your credit split over the year to ensure you are not studying too many credits in a single semester.


The timetable will be subject to change and remain provisional whilst module enrolment is underway. The timetable should be regarded as an indicative guide that can help prevent timetable clashes. Please check-in regularly with the timetable to see if there are any changes.

Information on requesting a timetable change can be found here on the LUBS Student Guide. Please note that lecture allocations cannot be changed, only seminar, workshop or Tutorial activities and requests can only be considered if made within the first 3 weeks of the semester. To request a change, students are required to complete the Module timetable change request form.

Credits - undergraduate Students

You must be enrolled on 120 credits in total per year (this includes compulsory, optional and discovery modules), with no fewer than 50 credits and no more than 70 credits in a semester.

The semester in which a module is taught will be listed on the module catalogue. When a module runs all year (Semesters 1 & 2) you should count half of the credits for the module towards your total for each semester.

Credits - postgraduate Students

You must be enrolled on 180 credits in total for the year - this includes compulsory (and optional modules if your programme of study offers optional modules).

The semester in which a module is taught will be listed on the module catalogue. When a module runs all year (Semesters 1 & 2) you should count half of the credits for the module towards your total for each semester.


Level of Study and Discovery Modules - undergraduate students only

You may not study any modules that are above your level of study, and you may only take up to 20 credits of Discovery modules below your level of study.

The level of a module is normally indicated by the first number of the module code. For example, LUBS2045 is a Level 2 module.

Discovery modules below your level

If you take a discovery module below your level you should be aware that this will count towards your final classification but will not count towards the credits gained for your current level. This means that if you choose a Discovery module below your level, you must pass all of your other modules that academic year as you must have gained 100 credits at your current level in order to progress to the next level and qualify for an honours degree.

Final year students: Level 1 Skills Discovery modules

Final year students may take a Level 1 Skills Discovery module - indicated by the letters ‘skd’ in the catalogue.

These modules are single weighted in the classification calculations: so they count for classification purposes as though they had been taken at the penultimate level (i.e. they are not subject to double weighting in the degree class calculation).

Credits for these modules will not count as Level 3 credits.

Mutually exclusive modules and prerequisites

If modules are labelled as mutually exclusive this means that you are unable to study both of them. This means if you have studied one you cannot study the other.

Some modules may have pre-requisites and you must fulfill those requirements before you can study the module.

It is your responsibility to check that you have met any pre-requisites and that you are not enrolling on modules that are mutually exclusive. The module enrolment system will not check this for you.

Details about whether a module is mutually exclusive or has pre-requisites will be shown on the module page on the module catalogue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ai generated. Questions marks billowing out of a box - symbolising FAQ questions
Click on the question headings below to expand the answers.
If you can't find the information you need, you can use the key contacts section above to find out who to ask.

How can I best prepare for Online Enrolment? (UG and PG students)

1. Read the relevant information.

The most important step in preparing for online enrolment is ensuring that you have read and understood your programme requirements so that you can plan your choices effectively. UG students - make sure that you understand how many credits of optional modules (and from which pathway if appropriate) you need and are able to enrol on.

2. Plan in advance

We strongly advise all students to plan their choices in advance, and this should include back up choices in case your first choices are full. OLE takes place on a first come first served basis, some modules do fill up quickly and we understand that for some students this can feel a little overwhelming on the day. In order to help with this we strongly advise that you have your plan written down as this will help you to be prepared if things are moving quickly on the day.

2.1 Before the day

Go to for advice on how to check your programme requirements for next year and how to prevent timetable clashes.

If you anticipate any access issues, for example relating to disability, you should discuss this with your school before module enrolment begins.

2.2 On the day

Pre-10am, go to, where you will be able to view guidance and the link to log into Student Services.

You may wish to log in before 10am, if so please refresh the page frequently to ensure you are not logged out due to inactivity.
Log in only once, on one device, a second login will log you out of your first session
Pages may take time to load, do not refresh straightaway as this will make the response time longer. If the page hangs, then refresh.

3. Do steps 1 and 2 in good time and ask if you are not sure.

If there is anything you do not understand please get in touch with the relevant members of staff (see contacts section above). OLE is a very busy time of year, so in order for us to help you to the best of our ability and in time for you to make your choices, please plan ahead in good time.

Are there step by step instructions to walk me through the OLE system? (UG and PG students)


Please see the guidance on the For Students Webpages.

This includes a downloadable document (at the very bottom of the page) called "Module Enrolment Guide". This will walk you through the OLE system step by step and includes screenshots of each screen on the OLE system.

The module I want to do is full, what should I do? (UG and PG students)

The OLE system will remain open until 11th October 2024.

Sometimes places become available throughout the summer and leading up until the start of term as students change their minds about their enrolment.

We would advise that you keep checking back whilst OLE is still open in case a place becomes available on your desired module.

Following the closure of OLE, if you wish to enrol on a semester 2 module, which was full during OLE, you may find that a space becomes available nearer to the start of semester 2, as students decide to choose alternative modules.

You will need to check with to see if there is space on the respective module.

Can I change my modules at a later date? (UG and PG students)


You can log in and change your modules at any time whilst the OLE system remains open.

The OLE system closes on 11th October 2024.

After that date, if you want to change a semester 2 module you will need to complete the online change of module form and this will be actioned by SES staff.

For further information on the change of module process please see:

Change of Module page

Will my discovery module count towards my degree? (UG students only)


If you choose a discovery module it will still count towards your final degree but your progression may be affected if you are studying a discovery module below your current level of study, and you do not pass your other modules.

Please see the explanation given above under Level of Study and Discovery Modules