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Section 8: Resits

If you do not pass a module at the first attempt, it is normally possible to resit. However, you cannot resit a module that you have already passed in order to improve your grade.

Where Schools deliver high/degree apprenticeships and where there are no restrictions listed in the Apprenticeship Assessment Plan, or the University’s Academic Regulations, an apprentice’s employer decides how many attempts an apprentice may have to attempt their End Point Assessment.

In the case of Leeds University Business School Higher Degree apprenticeships, either the apprentice’s employer decides how many attempts an apprentice may have to pass an End Point Assessment, or the number of resits are pre-determined in the Apprenticeship Assessment Plan, as set out by the Institute for Apprenticeships.

8.1 Number of Attempts

Undergraduate students are permitted two attempts to pass a module; the first attempt plus one resit. Attempts must be taken at the next available opportunity.

Postgraduate students are permitted two attempts to pass a module; the first attempt plus one resit, but may only take up to three resit attempts in the August of their study year. Additional or postponed attempts (including the dissertation, which is handed in after August of the study year) will take place in the following academic session.

Decisions about mitigating circumstances can change the number, timing, and type of resit attempts. The Progression and Awards Board in your parent School makes this decision.

For more information on mitigating circumstances, see Section 7 Mitigating Circumstances.

8.2 Timing of Resits

For students commencing their programmes in September, resit examinations are normally held in the August resit period. Students with coursework resits will be advised of the submission deadlines, which will normally be during the August resit period. For postgraduate modules (those at level FHEQ level 7), wherever possible, the second attempt will be arranged before the final Progression and Awards Board. For apprenticeship students, resits are arranged to meet gateway requirements and scheduled end point assessments.

There may be circumstances which affect these timings, for example if you have been granted mitigating circumstances, if you need to undertake significant laboratory or project work in order to pass a module, or if the resit will clash with other work for your programme. The School will provide information on the resit opportunities available to you when we publish the final module marks.

8.3 Format of Resits

Usually, the format of the resit will be the same as for the original module. If a different form of assessment will be used for the resit, this will be explained in the module specification in the online module catalogue.

8.4 Capped Resit Marks

The maximum mark you can obtain for a second attempt (i.e. a resit) is 40 for undergraduate modules and 50 for taught postgraduate modules.

Students on integrated foundation years are permitted an attempt to resit where they have passed modules but have not achieved the progression requirements of their designated programme of study. The mark achieved on re-assessment for these students will not be capped at 40.

Undergraduate Students Taught Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Modules
(Codes numbered 0, 1, 2 or 3)
Capped at 40 Capped at 40
Taught Postgraduate Modules
(Codes numbered 5….M)
Capped at 50 Capped at 50

8.5 Failed Resit Marks

If you undertake a resit as a second attempt, but your mark for the resit assessment is lower than the mark you originally received, the highest mark achieved will apply when calculating classification. Marks achieved in the different attempts will appear on the transcript.

8.6 Resubmission of Coursework

Students resitting modules assessed by coursework will normally be required to submit a new piece of work on a new topic. The submission policy for resit coursework is the same as that for first submissions – (see Section 3.3c)

In some cases, where coursework cannot be replicated (e.g., the assessment contained group work) the format of the resit might be different from the original.

8.7 Resits in the Final Year

In the final year of study, it is possible to apply to resit failed modules in order to improve the classification average and/or to make up the credits. This applies whether or not the results obtained so far are sufficient for the award of a degree. However, once you have accepted and received an award, you cannot then resit for a different award/classification. You must choose either to resit or, if you are eligible, to receive the award.

If this situation applies to you, you are strongly recommended to get in touch with the School to discuss your options before you make a decision.

8.7a Eligible for Ordinary; Resit for Honours

Ordinary degrees may be awarded by Leeds University Business School’s Awards Board where students have failed to meet honours requirements. In order to be eligible for an ordinary degree, students must;

  • Achieve at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 must be passed at FHEQ 6 (level 3) and;
  • 160 credits at FHEQ 5 and FHEQ 6 (levels 2 and 3) combined.
  • Eligible students must achieve an average across all modules taken in the final years of the programme that is equal to or greater than the minimum pass.