Student Representatives
At the Business School we greatly value the opinions and expectations of our students - often referred to at the University as "Student Voice". To make sure that voice is heard, we have a network of student representatives who act as a communications bridge between staff and students. This page will introduce the different types of representative, and how you can get involved to help make a difference.

Some of our 2023/24 School Reps offering students the chance to win sweets for sharing their opinion!
Types of representatives
Student representatives - often called "reps" for short - work to make sure that the Business School Faculty understands the issues affecting our students. There are two main types of reps:
- Course Reps
Every undergraduate programme (e.g. BSc Economics) has its own representative, appointed by a democratic student vote. These reps gather the opinions and concerns of all the other students on their course, and report them to the school rep. Course reps also meet directly with the academic leaders of a course, known programme directors, at special consultations called a Student Staff Partnership Forum (SSPF) - School Reps
- Course Reps
Each LUBS department has a senior rep who collects information from course reps and then communicates directly with faculty staff. There are also special school rep positions who represent the specific interests of foundation, international and underrepresented student groups.
School reps are appointed by submitting an application to the Leeds University Union, who shortlist and appoint successful candidates after an interview process. You will have the opportunity to apply to become a school rep towards the end of your first year - your school reps for 2024/25 have already been appointed and details will be shared with you soon.
LUBS needs you! Become a course rep
If you would like to apply to be a LUBS postgraduate Course Representative, please complete the form below:
Apply to be a rep
Deadline to apply: 23:59 on Monday 7 October
Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.