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During your semester abroad

This page has important information about academic requirements and support for students on a Masters Beyond Borders semester abroad.

Checklist for students

If you're about to embark on an MBB semester abroad, make sure you've ticked off everything on our checklist before travelling!

  • Download the Microsoft Teams app. We will use this to run group advising sessions during the year.
  • Register for the 2024/25 academic year.
  • Attend our Pre-Departure Briefing session on Thursday 18th June.
  • Complete the Risk Awareness Process. You can read about this here.
Click here to read more about the academic requirements of the Masters Beyond Borders semester abroad.

Choosing your Modules

You need to enrol on an ‘exchange’ full-time workload. Where there is no specific credit load for exchange students, you must enrol on the full-time workload of a ‘home’ student at your host university.

You need to pass 80% of your credits over the entire year.

      1. Master's Level Only: Choose modules that are at the Master's level.
      2. Avoid Duplication: Do not select core MSc International Business modules that you have already completed. Focus on expanding and enhancing your business knowledge.
      3. Full-Time Enrolment: You need to enrol on an ‘exchange’ full-time workload. Where there is no specific credit load for exchange students, you must enrol on the full-time workload of a ‘home’ student at your host university. You need to pass 80% of your credits over the entire year.
      4. Language Modules: Consider taking a language module if available.
      5. Career Relevance: Select modules that align with your future career interests and would be impressive to potential employers.

Getting Your Modules Approved

  1. Review Guidelines: Make sure your module choices meet the guidelines above.
  2. Submit for Approval: Email your module choices and a link to the module descriptions to Cyntia and in advance.
  3. LUBS Review: LUBS will review your module choices and approve them.
  4. Making Changes: If you are asked to change any modules:
    • Act promptly on any required changes.
    • Select new modules.
    • Email your new module choices and a link to the module descriptions to Cyntia and as soon as possible.
    • Cyntia will review and approve your new module choices.

By following these steps, you can ensure your module choices are appropriate and get them approved smoothly.

Pre-Departure Briefing