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During your Study Abroad year

This page has important information about academic requirements and support for LUBS students on a Study Abroad year.

Snowy hillside

Checklist for students

If you're about to embark on a Study Abroad year, make sure you've ticked off everything on our checklist before travelling!

  • Download the Microsoft Teams app. We will use this to run group advising sessions during the year.
  • Register for the 2024/25 academic year.
  • Complete this Microsoft Form to let us know that you have read and understood the LUBS Study Abroad Academic Contract by 26th April 2024. This document outlines:
    • How many credits you need to take at your host institution
    • How to choose your modules
    • How the LUBS9001 Year Abroad module is assessed
LUBS Study Abroad Academic Contract (pdf), File Download
  • Watch the LUBS Pre-Departure Briefing or download a PDF of the presentation:

Presentation PDF (pdf), File Download

Choosing your Modules

You need to complete our Module Approval Form and send this to the LUBS9001 Module Leader Maria Hussain at before enrolling in modules at your host university. Check that your modules meet the criteria outlined in the LUBS Study Abroad Academic Contract.

Maria will review your form and return it to you with comments. If you are asked to make changes to your selection, please action these as soon as possible by amending the same form and resending it to Maria. All module choices at the host university must be approved by LUBS at least 7 days before you enrol on them.

Module Approval Form (xlsx), File Download

Credit Load Guide

This spreadsheet shows the number of credits you must take at your host institution. You need to enrol on an ‘exchange’ full-time workload. Where there is no specific credit load for exchange students, you must enrol on the full-time workload of a ‘home’ student at your host university.

You need to pass 80% of your credits over the entire year.

Credit Load Guide (xlsx), File Download

LUBS9001 Submission Dates

Start of TeachingReflective Essay (Pre-Departure) assignment deadlineReflective Essay (Mid-Year) assignment deadlineReflective Essay (Re-Entry) assignment deadline
JulyThursday 15th August at 12 noonThursday 28th November at 12 noon

Tuesday 8th July at 12 noon
AugustThursday 19th September at 12 noonThursday 2nd January at 12 noon
SeptemberThursday 17th October at 12 noonThursday 30th January at 12 noon
OctoberThursday 21st November at 12 noonThursday 27th February at 12 noon

FAQs for students

Do I need to get my modules approved by LUBS again if I change my selection at my host university?

Yes – please amend your Module Approval Form to include your new choices. Make sure to highlight any changes in yellow so that they stand out. You should then send this to the LUBS9001 Module Leader Maria Hussain at for her to review.

How many credits am I required to take at my host university?

You need to enrol on the number of credits listed in your host university’s row under ‘Course Enrolment’ in the ‘Credit Load Guide’ spreadsheet.

If you're finding your workload challenging, please let us know by emailing either Maria Hussain or the LUBS Study Abroad Team at

I’ve completed my Module Approval Form but don’t have access to my host university’s module catalogue. What should I do if I can’t provide links to further information about my modules?

Please provide as much information as possible. If you have a list of the modules you want to enrol on, email this to Maria Hussain and the LUBS Study Abroad Team in addition to your Module Approval Form.

Am I allowed to take more than 50% of my credits from business-related/joint honours modules?

Yes, this is allowed. Your host university may even require you to enrol on more than 50%. If this is not a requirement, please try to stick as closely to the 50/50 split as possible.

What level modules should I be taking at my host university?

You should enrol on Level 2/3 modules – please note that North American universities will refer to these as Level 3/4 modules.

I don’t know the levels of my chosen modules – how should I complete the Module Approval Form?

Some universities do not state what level modules are in the same way that we do here in Leeds. They may be only be classified as undergraduate or graduate/postgraduate. If this applies to you, please read the module descriptions carefully and ensure that you only enrol on one business-related/joint honours module that appears to be introductory. Please explain that you don’t know the levels of your modules in your Module Approval Form.

The academic year at my host university is split into more than 2 semesters (for example, 3 trimesters or 2 blocks per semester). How do I reflect this in my Module Approval Form?

Please amend the form to show which trimester or block your chosen modules fall in. You don’t need to stick to the original column format.

What counts as a business-related module?

If a module would be taught by the Business School if you were studying it at Leeds, we would count this as business-related. This includes modules related to:

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing

Can I enrol on modules that have prerequisites?

Yes. Your host university should be able to check what modules you have studied at Leeds that would be equivalent to prerequisites. For example, if you want to enrol on a module that has a prerequisite of microeconomics, your host university are likely to accept evidence that you have studied microeconomics at Leeds as proof that you have met this prerequisite.

Your host university’s systems may incorrectly believe that you are a first-year student, as this will be the first academic year you have studied there. If this is the case, please speak to your host university.

When will my course be changed to the four-year industrial variant of my degree?

If you are a UK student, the LUBS Study Abroad Team will change your course between May and June. If you are a UK student visa holder your course will only be changed when we have received confirmation that you have passed the last academic year and achieved an average grade of at least 60.

You do not need to complete a change of programme form. We will instead email you before changing your course to confirm that you are happy for us to do so.

How will the Study Abroad year be assessed?

During your Study Abroad year you will be enrolled on a 120-credit module known as LUBS9001: Year Abroad. This is a Pass/Fail module and so does not contribute to your degree classification. Your overall submission will be graded as fail, pass, pass with merit, or pass with distinction.

Credits achieved whilst studying abroad will also not contribute to your degree classification. However, you do need to pass a certain number of credits at your host university in order to pass LUBS9001.

How do I submit my coursework for LUBS9001?

You should upload your completed assignments to the submission area for your start month. We will email you to confirm which area you should submit to, at which point you will be able to let us know if this is incorrect.

You must submit to the same submission area for each assignment. For example, if you start in August, you need to submit to this area for the Pre-Departure, Mid-Year and Final assignments.

I’m having problems submitting an assignment – what should I do?

Please email the LUBS Assessment Team at as soon as possible. Make sure that you attach your assignment.