Postgraduate Student Buddy Scheme - Terms and Conditions
This page contains the terms and conditions that apply to the LUBS Taught Postgraduate Buddy Scheme. If you intend to participate in the scheme please read them carefully. Information on how the scheme works, and how to submit an application can be found on the main Buddy scheme page.
Participant Agreement
Thank you for applying to take part in the LUBS PGT Student Buddy Scheme with the University of Leeds (the “University”). Taking part in the scheme is voluntary, but in doing so we ask that you comply with the requirements set out in this agreement and any associated guidance/information provided to you. Please read this agreement carefully. If you have any queries regarding the content of this agreement and/or other documentation, please contact Samantha Gent:
- You confirm that the contents of your application are true and accurate at the time you made the application. Should any details/information change, please notify Samantha Gent.
- You may be asked to provide personal information to the University in connection with the scheme. You consent to the University sharing your name and contact details with a student buddy and using your personal information to manage your involvement with the scheme. If you have any concerns about your personal data/information being used, please contact Samantha Gent. However, all data/information provided will be used/processed by the University in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998/General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and is in accordance with the University’s Retention Policy
- You agree to read and follow the guidance set out in the Student Buddy Scheme handbook prior to commencing any activity in connection with the scheme.
- When taking part in the scheme, you may have access to confidential information belonging to your buddy. The University expects you not to use or disclose such information to any person or third party whilst taking part in the scheme or at any time afterwards. However, if during the course of the relationship with your buddy, you learn of any activity or information that will cause serious harm to either your buddy or others, you must notify the LUBS student Support Team immediately.
- You agree to contribute and commit to the scheme to the best of your ability. You should discuss any concerns with Samantha Gent.
- The frequency of contact during the scheme will be agreed between you and your buddy.
- You should discuss with your buddy how the buddying relationship will come to an end.
- You acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health and safety and you will not do anything that will endanger yourself and others in relation to the scheme. If you have concerns with regard to your health/wellbeing, you should speak to Samantha Gent.
- The University will match you with a buddy from its pool of available students. Please note, the University is unable to guarantee a match to any specific buddy but will always strive to match you with the most appropriate person from the pool of available students.
- You agree to complete a mid-term and final evaluation of your experience of the scheme in order to support future development of the scheme.
- You agree for your name and university email address to be shared with your allocated buddy.
By completing and submitting my application form for this scheme, you agree to be bound by the above terms.